Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is my heart. Broken because I love Romeo and I don't want to marry Pairs, but I have to please my father.brokenheart1.jpg

Act II

Well I married Romeo. I haven't told my parents yet because I'm still not sure how they will handle it. I need to ease them in slowly. You can't rush these things you know. The night I married Romeo I was waiting in my room for him. The nurse was going to help him climb into my room so I can see him. When the nurse came in with some bad news. Tybalt, my cousin, had been killed. Now if you think that is shocking imagine my surprise when I found out the Romeo killed him! The nurse told me that Romeo had been banished! I cried for hours. Later, the nurse came in again, this time with better news. Romeo was planning to come into my room tonight to say goodbye. When he finally came I was overjoyed. Sadly, the next day Romeo had to go. I cried again. Then my mother knocked on the door, she also had some news. Pairs is going to marry me on Thursday! What! I told her that there was no way I was going to marry him. Well, my dad came in all mad about how my behavior and told me I was to marry Pairs or I would be thrown out onto the streets! What am I going to do now!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is where I live. The party was held here yesterday. Normally, all the parties are held here. It is a very expensive venue.

Act I

Wow! The party we had yesterday was great! I wasn't planning on going because I mean these parties are always a drag! Its just a load of people drinking and dancing until very early in the morning. The afternoon of the party my mother came up to me and asked me about what I thought about marriage. To be honest I hadn't really had the time to think about it. I haven't met the right guy. My mother told me there is a guy named Pairs who loves me and he wants my hand in marriage. I haven't even met the guy! So I was dragged to the party to meet him and to see if I liked him. While I was there I happened to meet another guy named Romeo. He is perfect. He is funny and cute and I can't get him out of my head. The only problem with him is that he is a Montague. Can you imagine how awful that is? My family and their family don't get along. Talk about family feuds. This is the worst feud of all. I have decided that I don't care what his name is. I love him. Tomorrow morning I am going to marry him whether my parents like it or not. We plan to run away and live together happily.