Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Tragic Ending

Do you remember my perfect plan from my last post? Well, that plan went terribly wrong. When I awoke from my nice sleep I didn't see Romeo, I saw the Friar. I was very confused. He told me we had to go. When I got up I saw Romeo laying dead beside me. Oh Romeo! What happened? As I looked more closely I saw a bottle of poison in his hand. Why had he killed himself? Didn't he get me letter? When I walked outside my luck turned from bad to worse. Laying on the ground was Pairs! I had a feeling Romeo had killed him. I mean I don't want to marry the guy, but I would never wish him dead! What was he doing outside me tomb so late anyway? What did he do to deserve this tragic death? My head was spinning. What was I going to do? Then it came to me. Without a second thought I grabbed Romeo's dagger and I stabbed myself. I needed to be with my Romeo and this was how I was going to do it. So how am I writing this? I am now a spirit. This is my last blog post. So good-bye my dear friends.

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