Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Sword

This is Romeo's sword. The last thing I touched on Earth.

A Tragic Ending

Do you remember my perfect plan from my last post? Well, that plan went terribly wrong. When I awoke from my nice sleep I didn't see Romeo, I saw the Friar. I was very confused. He told me we had to go. When I got up I saw Romeo laying dead beside me. Oh Romeo! What happened? As I looked more closely I saw a bottle of poison in his hand. Why had he killed himself? Didn't he get me letter? When I walked outside my luck turned from bad to worse. Laying on the ground was Pairs! I had a feeling Romeo had killed him. I mean I don't want to marry the guy, but I would never wish him dead! What was he doing outside me tomb so late anyway? What did he do to deserve this tragic death? My head was spinning. What was I going to do? Then it came to me. Without a second thought I grabbed Romeo's dagger and I stabbed myself. I needed to be with my Romeo and this was how I was going to do it. So how am I writing this? I am now a spirit. This is my last blog post. So good-bye my dear friends.

The plan

I have talked to Fr. Lawerance and he has given me a special potion. This potion will put me into a deep sleep for 48 hours. My family will think I'm dead! I will appear to have no pulse and I will have pale skin. They will never know the truth. Later that day I will have my so called funeral. I will be laid into the tomb. While that is going on, Fr. Lawerance has written Romeo a letter telling him what the plan is and when he should come and meet me. Romeo will hurry to my tomb and when I awake from my deep sleep he will be the first person I see. Then we will run away together, far away from Verona. We will live happily ever after. This is the perfect plan. It is fool proof. My parents will think I'm dead and I won't have to marry Pairs and I get Romeo. Things couldn't be better. I mean what could possibly go wrong??